Thursday, 30 January 2020

Meeting the Community Safety Enforcement Officer

Productive Meeting at Brew Ha Ha!
To day I met up with Andrew the local Community Safety Enforcement Officer with Dumfries and Galloway Council at Brew Ha Ha! A great meeting and lots of fun and very productive and lovely coffee.

We talked about the Dog Fouling poster competition and how we could work together to make it reach more people. We also discussed a whole array of issues in and around the problem of dog fouling, offenders, people who have had enough of it and what the council line is about it - Crikey - you don't half end up chasing your tail!

We also talked about the youth and youth clubs and activities in Newton Stewart for the young.

And we talked about rubbish, recycling, recycling points, beach litter picks, litter picking and fly tipping.

We also had a chat about Fairtrade, with the Co-op Fairtrade fortnight coming up on the 24th February to the 8th March this year, I wondered if we could work together in any way to promote this. He did give me a very good idea of what I could be doing which I shall reveal at a later date when I have done some organising.

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