Monday, 3 February 2020

Newton Stewart Youth Club Meeting

Newton Stewart Youth Club
Tonight I had a meeting with the ladies that run the Newton Stewart Youth Club, it's on a Monday evening at 6:30pm for younger kids in the Newton Stewart Initiative building behind the Penninghame Church hall. It's a later start for older members.

I had a chat with the organisers about the possibility of getting the 13 to 16 year olds some work experience with local charities in the area, doing voluntary work.

Young people always need something to do to stimulate their minds and we thought that voluntary work might open their minds, broaden their horizons and give them some great work experience to write on their job applications in the near future.

Of yourse the charities and organisations win too, they gain an extra pair of helping hands, as well as another person to spread the word about what they do.

Everyone's a winner!

The Newton Stewart Youth Club organisers are going to have a chat with the young people about it tonight and see what they think. I really hope they see the positives and are willing to give it a go. Then every time I talk to a charity, I will ask them about the possibility of a placement of work experience for a young person.

Hopefully we can engage with the Newton Stewart Youth Club and the Creetown Youth Club, and connect them with worthwhile work experience.

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